10 Benefits of Eating Mango at Night

10 Benefits of Eating Mango at Night

  • July 18, 2022

10 Benefits of Eating Mango at Night

It is not uncommon to receive our best wishes late into the night. Sometimes we find ourselves choosing our favorite junk foods over healthier options, but this choice can often disrupt our quality of sleep. Fortunately, mangoes are a delicious sweet nighttime snack to curb cravings and improve your sleep.

Mango is not only a delicious fruit but also provides rich nutrition to keep your body healthy. In fact, some countries refer to mangoes as the “King of Fruits” for their impressive list of benefits—research shows that the nutrients in mangoes can strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and even Known to enhance eyesight.

1. Improves sleep quality.

Snacking on a few slices of mango can help you go to bed faster and help you feel more relaxed. Mangoes contain significant amounts of pyridoxine (B-6), the vitamin responsible for the synthesis of serotonin. Your body uses serotonin to produce melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, thus preparing your body for restful sleep.

2. Removes congestion.

The potential antimicrobial properties of mangoes can be effective in clearing mucus and relieving coughs. Eating mangoes can relieve congestion and open up your airways for better breathing during sleep. Additionally, mangoes have anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in the prevention and treatment of asthma.

3. Helps control blood pressure.

Apart from being juicy and sweet, mangoes also play an important role in lowering blood pressure. Often times, a lack of fiber in one’s diet can be a major factor that puts you at risk for high blood pressure and other diseases. Fortunately, mangoes are rich in fiber and potassium, two nutrients that can help control blood pressure.

4. Promotes a healthy heart.

Potassium and magnesium are two minerals in mango that help keep your body’s pulse steady and blood vessels relaxed. Mangoes also contain mangiferin, a unique bioactive ingredient that protects heart cells from inflammation.

5. Protects your skin.

The high vitamin C content in mango keeps your skin young and vibrant. Nutritionist Carlene Thomas notes, “One mango contains 200 percent of your recommended daily amount of vitamin C!” Consuming more vitamin C helps in the production of collagen – a structural protein that the body uses to prevent sagging skin. Not to mention, mangoes are packed with powerful antioxidants, so eating a couple of slices can go a long way in protecting your skin from UV rays and other environmental pollutants.

6. Improves concentration and memory.

A unique quality of mangoes is their high content of glutamic acid, an amino acid that your body uses to transmit information from cells to receptors on different parts of the body. Increasing the level of glutamic acid in your system, as a recent study suggests, can enhance memory and improve sensory function. This can be especially helpful to keep you on your toes during a busy day.

7. Enhances your eyesight.

Eating one cup of mango a day provides you with more than 30% of your daily requirement of vitamin A. Because vitamin A protects the surface of your cornea and strengthens vision, it can be helpful for people who suffer from cataracts or other eye diseases. Additionally, vitamin A can improve night vision and reduce dry eye symptoms.

8. Strengthens your immune system.

Adding mangoes to your diet can strengthen your immune system, as one cup of mangoes can provide 100 percent of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C. Extra vitamin C in your diet promotes the production of white blood cells, which protect you from various diseases.

9. Regulates your digestive system.

Mangoes contain a group of digestive enzymes called amylases. This process makes it easier for the body to absorb carbohydrates and improves your digestive health. Additionally, the high fiber content in mangoes reduces the risk of gastrointestinal (GI) problems and other digestive ailments.

10. Contributes to weight loss.

When eaten in moderation, mangoes can be helpful in achieving weight loss. The calorie density combined with the fiber content of mango reduces hunger and keeps you fuller for longer. Plus, the undeniable natural sweetness can be a healthy alternative to sweet, sugary snacks.

Of course, you cannot rely on mangoes to lose weight. We recommend speaking with your doctor to discuss other possible approaches, such as intermittent fasting.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many mangoes should I eat a day?

Mangoes are rich in carbohydrates and naturally contain more sugar than most fruits. Like all fruits, when mangoes are consumed in excess, they can raise blood glucose levels. A serving of mango is ¾ of a cup of chopped fruit, and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend healthy adults consume 5 to 13 servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables per day. If you are diabetic, you should limit your consumption to 1 to 2 slices of mango to keep your glucose levels stable.

What is the amount of sugar in mangoes?

One serving of mango (¾ cup of mango slices) has about 17 grams of natural sugar and 0 grams of added sugar. However, when these fruits are consumed in excess, they can cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

What is the best way to eat mango?

One of the most popular ways to eat mangoes is to cut them and eat them raw. However, this fruit is extremely versatile and can be added to smoothies and salads. Not to mention, they can also be turned into delicious homemade fruit juices and salsas.

What foods should I avoid before bed?

It is best to stay away from fatty foods before going to bed as they cause stomach pain and heartburn at night. To prevent sleep disturbances, eat dinner at least three hours before bed and include light foods, such as whole grains, salmon, turkey, and, of course, mangoes in the evening meal. Remember, mangoes can help promote a good night’s sleep!

Is it okay to have breakfast before bed?

When it comes to snacking before bed, it’s best to choose healthy options over junk food. Eating sugary foods late at night can cause stomach aches and disrupt your sleep quality. However, keeping breakfast small and light will curb your late-night cravings without disrupting sleep, so you won’t have to worry about going to bed hungry.


Mangoes are packed with essential nutrients to keep your body strong and healthy, and these juicy fruits make great bedtime snacks as they satisfy your hunger without disturbing your sleep. However, it’s important to remember that mangoes are naturally higher in sugar than other fruits, and like all things should be eaten in moderation. It’s best to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to get the most nutritional benefits.

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