ct scan price in Pakistan

ct scan price in Pakistan

  • September 6, 2022
ct scan price in Pakistan
CT scan

Have you ever bought pre-sliced ​​bread? ct scan price in Pakistan. You know you can tell if something is wrong with it when you see between the slices. Computed tomography (tomography; graph image) works in the same way. The target body part is positioned by a virtual “bread slicer” that creates slice images at small intervals. During the study, the patient rests comfortably on a table while cross-sectional images are taken and digitally assembled to create a highly detailed view of the bones and soft tissues. The scan is a painless procedure and the patient does not experience claustrophobia due to the wide open bore of the scanners.

When CT scans are used.

A CT scan can be used to diagnose and monitor a variety of health conditions, including

  • Brain diseases like tumors, atrophy, hydrocephalus, etc
  • Bone conditions, and injuries.
  • Abdominal and pelvic disorders
  • Kidney stone
  • Head injury and ischemia
  • Angiographic studies
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Safety

CT scans are usually safe. They expose you to slightly more radiation than regular x-rays. The amount of radiation you’re exposed to can vary depending on the type of scan you have

Contrasted medium

For some CT scans, such as those that examine the brain or abdomen, you may be given a contrast medium beforehand. It is a liquid that has a color that shows up clearly on pictures of certain tissues or blood vessels. This helps distinguish blood vessels from other structures in your body. It can be swallowed as a drink, given as an enema in your anus, or injected into your bloodstream (intravenously).

If you have poor kidney function, contrast medium is usually not given intravenously because it can further suppress kidney function.

. The contrast medium is harmless and will pass out of your body in your urine.

What are the costs of a CT scan?

Cost of CT scan. Tests vary from lab to lab, but on Medicure you will get a discount on the tests. The price range of CT scan test is 9000 – 13500.

Can I view lab test reports online?

Yes, you can see your test results online with Medicure and its partners.

Is a free home sample collection service available?

There are many labs in Pakistan but not all of them are providing home sampling facility to patients. But, if you book a lab test with Medicare, you will get a free door-to-door test sample collection for hassle-free lab services. IDC test prices list

Test Prices
1.Sedation Charges (50% Discounted Fee)ANA502500
2.Sedation Charges (Fee)ANAS4500
3.Adenosine Injection 8 ML (For Stress Cardiac MR)ADEN6000
4.MRI Contrast upto 15 MLCNM26500
5.MRI Contrast upto 7.5 MLCNM13550
6.Non Ionic Contrast upto 100 MLCNU1003200
7.Non Ionic Contrast upto 150 MLCNU1504950
8.Non Ionic Contrast upto 50 MLCNU501650
9.Urografin 76%URO416
CT Scan
10.Chest+Abdomen and PelvisCTABDPCH19000
11.CT Chest & AbdomenCTCHAB12500
12.CT Chest with Upper Abdomen for CA BreastCTABDCAB9000
13.CT Coronary Calcium ScoringCTANGCAL5500
14.CT Guided Drain Placement (w/o Dr Fee)CTGDP8500
15.CT Reporting OnlyCTRR2500
16.CT Reporting Only (Double Region)CTRRD3000
17.CT Scan AbdomenCTABD9000
18.CT Scan Angio of Lower Extremities (Vascular)CTANGEXTLO17000
19.CT Scan Angio of Upper Extremities (Vascular)CTANGEXTUP17000
20.CT Scan Angiography CarotidCTANGCA16000
21.CT Scan Angiography of Abdomen/Mesenteric VesselsCTANGMES14000
22.CT Scan Angiography of Aorto GramCTANGAOR16000
23.CT Scan Angiography of Brain (Cerebral)CTANGB13000
24.CT Scan Angiography of Carotid & Brain (Cerebral)CTANGCAB18000
25.CT Scan Angiography of Head & NeckCTANGHAN18000
26.CT Scan Angiography of Kidneys (Renal Angio)CTANGKID14000
27.CT Scan Angiography of Pulmonary (PA)CTANGPA12000
28.CT Scan Angiography of Two RegionsCTANGALIM18000
29.CT Scan Base of Skull to ClavicleCTBS7500
30.CT Scan Biphasic AdrenalsCTBIAD11000
31.CT Scan Chest/Lungs HRCTHRCH8800
32.CT Scan Coronary AngiographyCTANGCOR18500
33.CT Scan Dorsal SpineCTDS8000
34.CT Scan EnterographyCTENTRO12000
35.CT Scan Extra Film One (01)CTF1500
36.CT Scan Extra Films Five (05)CTF52500
37.CT Scan Extra Films Four (04)CTF42000
38.CT Scan Extra Films Three (03)CTF31500
39.CT Scan Extra Films Two (02)CTF21000
40.CT Scan FemurCTFEM8500
41.CT Scan for (Lft/Rt) Ankle JointCTANKJ8500
42.CT Scan for (Lft/Rt) ArmCTARM8500
43.CT Scan for (Lft/Rt) FootCTFOOT8500
44.CT Scan for (Lft/Rt) Knee JointCTKN8500
45.CT Scan for (Lft/Rt) Shoulder JointCTSHJT8500
46.CT Scan for (Lft/Rt) Wrist JointCTWRJ8500
47.CT Scan for Abdomen and PelvisCTABDP12000
48.CT Scan for Both Ankle JointsCTBANKJ11000
49.CT Scan for BrainCTB6000
50.CT Scan for Brain & NeckCTBN12000
51.CT Scan for Cervical SpineCTCER8000
52.CT Scan for ChestCTCH8500
53.CT Scan for Dental 3-DCTDENT8000
54.CT Scan for Ear (Axial & Coronal)CTEAR8500
55.CT Scan for Extremities LowerCTEXTL9000
56.CT Scan for Extremities UpperCTEXTU9000
57.CT Scan for Face/Maxillofacial (Axial & Coronal)CTF9000
58.CT Scan for Face/Maxillofacial & Brain (Ax & Corn)CTFB11500
59.CT Scan for Face/Maxillofacial & NeckCTFN11500
60.CT Scan for Hip JointCTHIP8500
61.CT Scan for Lumbar SpineCTLS8500
62.CT Scan for Mastoid/Petrous (Axial & Coronal)CTMP8500
63.CT Scan for Neck Soft Tissues (Axial & Coronal)CTNECK8500
64.CT Scan for Neck & ChestCTNCH12000
65.CT Scan for Orbits & Brain (Axial & Coronal)CTORB12000
66.CT Scan for Orbits (Axial & Coronal)CTOA8500
67.CT Scan for PelvimeteryCTPM4500
68.CT Scan for SonogramCTSINO6000
69.CT Scan Guided BiopsyCTGBIOP25000
70.CT Scan HandCTHAND8500
71.CT Scan HumerusCTHUM8500
72.CT Scan KUB (Non Oral & Non IV)CTKUB8000
73.CT Scan Liver for LAI Plain (for Transplant Donor)CTLAI9000
74.CT Scan PelvisCTPEL9000
75.CT Scan Pelvis without Oral&IV Contrast with 3DCTPELW8000
76.CT Scan PNS (Axial & Coronal)CTPNS8500
77.CT Scan Radius UlnaCTRAD8000

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