What is FibroScan Procedure?

What is FibroScan Procedure?

  • April 22, 2022

What is FibroScan Procedure?

FibroScan is a non-surgical procedure performed by gastroenterologists (GI) specialists to assess the condition of the liver as well as to identify concerns that may affect liver function. Using advanced ultrasound technology, this advanced diagnostic test, also called transient elastography, measures the amount of fat tissue in the liver (fatty liver disease). The FibroScan procedure also allows GI doctors in San Antonio, TX to measure the amount of stiffness in the liver tissue. Excessive severity can indicate the presence of fibrosis, inflammation of the liver, or other concerns. When fatty liver or fibrosis is suspected, experienced experts at San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates can perform FibroScan analysis to better understand the scope of the problem. what is fibroscan procedure.

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Who needs a FibroScan test?

Gastroenterologists routinely treat diseases that affect the liver and may prescribe FibroScan analysis for patients with evidence of advanced liver disease. A GI physician may prescribe FibroScan procedures for individuals who present at least one symptom of a liver condition or injury, including:

  • Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
  • Syndrome X.
  • Acute liver fibrotic scar (cirrhosis)
  • Different forms of hepatitis.
  • Alcohol damages the liver
  • What happens during the FibroScan procedure?

FibroScan is performed at San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates in San Antonio, TX and may be recommended as an alternative to liver biopsy. This is usually done with other types of diagnostic imaging or blood tests to fully assess the condition of the liver. During the test, people lie down on the medical table. Technician FibroScan then glides the imaging handpiece into the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, just below the rib cage. A set of waves is applied directly to the liver, examining the speed at which the frequency of sound passes through the liver. FibroScan tests are usually comfortable and usually take about 15 minutes or less to perform.

Understanding FibroScan CAP Score

After the FibroScan testing is complete, the results are sent to the specialist who ordered the procedure. The test shows a numerical score showing the measurement of fat cells in the liver, which is also called the result of a controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) score as well as fibrosis.

FibroScan CAP results are measured in dB / m and are used to detect the level of fat conversion in your liver. A large CAP score indicates a high degree of fatty conversion and a high degree of fatty liver condition.Fibrosis results provide data on the amount of fibrosis inside the liver, which is milder than any other or extends to the post-scarring stage (cirrhosis).

A secondary visit will be arranged with your doctor to analyze and review the results of the procedure. Treatment or advice for behavior and lifestyle changes can then be given according to each patient’s unique condition. Further FibroScan procedures can be performed on a regular basis to check the health of the liver or to determine if the condition of the liver has deteriorated.

Find out more about FibroScan testing in San Antonio, TX.

As one of the major organs of your body, the liver plays an important role in general health. As well as fatty liver disease, scarring can affect many aspects of a person’s management, resulting in abdominal swelling, fatigue, and liver failure, and increased risk of liver cancer. The highly trained staff of San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates in San Antonio, TX, provide non-invasive temporal elastography to detect the presence of fatty liver disease or fibrotic scarring. To find out more about this diagnostic procedure or to arrange an appointment with a specialist GI doctor, please contact San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates today and talk to a team member.
