Why Am I Gaining Weight 3 Weeks After Gastric Sleeve?

Why Am I Gaining Weight 3 Weeks After Gastric Sleeve?

  • April 30, 2023

Why am i gaining weight 3 weeks after gastric sleeve ? If you have undergone gastric sleeve surgery, you must have been aware of the significant weight loss results that it can offer. However, sometimes patients may experience weight gain even after the surgery. This may seem confusing and concerning, especially when you have been following a strict diet and exercise routine. Here are some reasons why you may be gaining weight three weeks after gastric sleeve surgery.

Why Am I Gaining Weight 3 Weeks After Gastric Sleeve?

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight reduction medical procedure that lessens the size of the stomach by around 75%. The medical procedure is finished by eliminating a piece of the stomach and reshaping the leftover part into a little cylinder or sleeve-like shape. The more modest stomach size diminishes how much food you can eat, and it likewise influences the chemicals that control craving and completion, prompting a huge decrease in hunger and food consumption.

Why Am I Gaining Weight 3 Weeks After Gastric Sleeve?

While gastric sleeve surgery can be exceptionally powerful in advancing weight reduction, it’s anything but an enchanted arrangement. You will in any case have to follow a sound eating regimen and take part in normal actual work to accomplish and keep up with weight reduction. Furthermore, there can be a few intricacies or difficulties that might emerge after the medical procedure, including weight gain.

Reasons for Weight Gain after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

1)      Fluid Retention

After the surgery, your body may experience fluid retention as a feature of the recuperating system. This can prompt a transitory expansion in weight, which ought to disappear all alone as the mending system advances.

2)      Lack of Physical Activity

Physical activity is fundamental for keeping up with weight reduction and generally speaking wellbeing. Be that as it may, after medical procedure, you might encounter a few limitations on Physical activity for half a month. In the event that you are not taking part in sufficient Physical activity, your body might begin to store fat, prompting weight gain.

3)      Inadequate Protein Intake

Protein is essential for fundamental for keeping up with bulk, which is essential for consuming calories and keeping a sound digestion. In the event that you are not getting sufficient protein, your body might begin to separate muscle tissue, prompting a more slow digestion and weight gain.

4)      Eating Too Quickly

Eating too quickly can prompt gorging and weight gain, even after gastric sleeve medical procedure. This is on the grounds that your body might not have sufficient opportunity to enroll completion, driving you to eat more than needed.

5)      Consuming Too Many Carbohydrates

While carbohydrates are essential for providing energy, consuming too many can lead to weight gain. This is because excess carbohydrates are converted into fat and stored in the body.

6)      Not Drinking Enough Water

Water is fundamental for keeping up with generally speaking wellbeing and advancing weight reduction. Drinking sufficient water can help you feel full and decrease your hunger. On the off chance that you are not drinking sufficient water, your body might begin to hold liquids, prompting weight gain

7)      Emotional Eating

Emotional eating can be a significant challenge after gastric sleeve surgery. This is on the grounds that the medical procedure influences the chemicals that control craving and completion, and a few patients might go to food to manage profound pressure. Profound eating can prompt gorging, which can cause weight gain.

Why Am I Gaining Weight 3 Weeks After Gastric Sleeve

How to Avoid Weight Gain after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

While weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery can be concerning, there are several steps you can take to avoid it.

1.      Stick to a Healthy Diet

Following a healthy, balanced diet is fundamental for keeping up with weight reduction after gastric sleeve medical procedure. Center around devouring lean protein, vegetables, organic products, and entire grains while staying away from unhealthy, high-fat, and high-sugar food varieties.

2.      Stay Active

Engaging in regular physical activity is fundamental for keeping up with weight reduction and by and large wellbeing. Begin gradually and steadily increment your action level as you mend from a medical procedure.

3.      Track Your Intake

Monitoring what you eat and drink can assist you with distinguishing designs that might prompt weight gain. Utilize a food journal or an application to screen your admission and change your eating routine as needs be.

4.      Eat Slowly

Eating slowly can assist you with feeling full quicker and lessen the gamble of indulging. Take little nibbles, bite gradually, and put down your fork between chomps.

5.      Choose Low-carb Foods

Choosing foods that are low in carbohydrates can help promote weight loss and forestall weight gain. Focus on lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, and whole grains.

6.      Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough water can help you feel full and lessen your hunger. Mean to drink no less than 64 ounces of water each day.

7.      Address Emotional Eating

On the off chance that you wind up going to food to manage close to home pressure, consider talking with a specialist or a care group. They can assist you with creating solid survival strategies and forestall profound eating.


When to Seek Help

On the off chance that you are following a sound eating regimen taking part in normal active work yet encountering weight gain, it could be an ideal opportunity to talk with your PCP. They can assist you with distinguishing any basic ailments or entanglements that might be adding to the weight gain.

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Gastric sleeve surgery can be a successful weight reduction arrangement, yet it’s anything but an enchanted arrangement. Weight gain after a medical procedure can be disturbing, however there are steps you can take to keep away from it. By following a sound eating routine, participating in normal actual work, and tending to profound eating, you can keep up with weight reduction and accomplish your wellbeing objectives.


FAQs of Why Am I Gaining Weight 3 Weeks After Gastric Sleeve?

1)      Can weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery be reversed?

Yes, weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery can be reversed by following a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity.

2)      How much weight should I expect to lose after gastric sleeve surgery?

Patients can hope to lose up to 60-70% of their overabundance weight in the primary year after medical procedure.

3)      Can I consume alcohol after gastric sleeve surgery?

Alcohol should be consumed in moderation after gastric sleeve surgery, as it can be absorbed more quickly and lead to increased intoxication.

4)      Can I take weight loss supplements after gastric sleeve surgery?

Weight loss supplements should be avoided after gastric sleeve surgery, as they can interfere with the body’s absorption of nutrients and lead to complications.

5)      Is gastric sleeve surgery reversible?

Gastric sleeve surgery is generally considered irreversible, as a part of the stomach is removed during the surgery.

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